Bathroom safety

The bathroom can present many hazards for people of all ages, specifically older people. The combination of hard, slippery surfaces and water can increase the risk of falls and injuries so it’s important to make things as safe as possible.

There are a few simple steps you can take to make your bathroom safer:

  • if you have a shower over your bath, place a rubber mat in the bathtub to prevent slips
  • install grab rails in your bathroom. Grab rails by the toilet, shower, and bath can help you keep your balance on slippery surfaces
  • if you struggle with balance, consider investing in a shower seat. These are a great alternative to standing in the shower and minimise the risk of slips
  • if you have a personal alarm, make sure the pendant button is water-resistant. By keeping your pendant on in the bath or shower, you’ll be able to call for help quickly if you need it
  • keep your shower essentials within arm’s reach to avoid overstretching or bending down
  • ensure your bathroom has adequate lighting as poor visibility, especially at night, can increase the risk of a fall.

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