How can CLDS help?

Helping you to get the most out of life

The Community Learning Disabilities Service (CLDS) helps people with learning difficulties to get the most out of life by

  • looking after themselves
  • getting any other help they need.

We support people with learning disabilities to live healthy independent lives and keep safe in the community. We will encourage and support people to access mainstream services as much as possible.

If the person meets eligibility criteria the Learning Disability Service will discuss and agree what health and/or social care support we can provide.

Helping you with daily life

The Learning Disability Service supports people to be healthy and able to do things for themselves.

We support people to:

  • identify their own goals
  • achieve their own independence whilst keeping safe
  • be at the centre of any discussions and decision-making,

and refer them to advocacy services to assist with this where appropriate.

We can assist people to:

  • find the right place to live
  • prepare for adulthood 
  • find things to do during the day, for example:
    • try new activities
    • learn new skills, and meet new people
    •  training or a job
  • have good physical and mental health, with the aim of reducing or preventing hospital admissions
  • develop their skills and meet their potential in:
    • personal care
    • shopping
    • money
    • relationships
    • travel (either 1:1 or in small groups )
    • access short-term breaks
  • keep themselves safe from neglect and abuse.

We may also look at whether equipment and technology could support you to live more independently.

Organising your own support

Some people use direct payments to arrange their own support or support can be arranged through commissioned providers.

We work closely with other services both within and outside the borough, for example

  • education
  • day services and supported living providers
  • residential services
  • employment services
  • Carers’ Centre, and
  • other health and social care teams.

Caring for someone with learning disabilities

A range of support is available to support you with your caring responsibilities. Further information can be found on our Carers pages.

We will work with you to identify how we can best support you. We will give you a carer's assessment  to determine the support you might need. You are entitled to a Carers Assessment by law (Care Act 2014).

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