Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS)

In Tower Hamlets we work in partnership with health professionals from the East London Foundation Trust (ELFT), to providing and arranging advice and support for people with a learning disability and/or autism.

The team includes:

Our referral form includes a screening tool to help referrers to decide whether the person will meet the eligibility criteria or not. If you want to know more about our eligibility criteria please refer to the screening tool.

Many of the people we support have additional physical and/or mental health needs and may have sensory difficulties or difficulties with communication and present with behaviours that challenge. Some people may be eligible for NHS continuing health care funding due to their complex health needs

Further information

Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS) 
2nd Floor Beaumont House
275 Bancroft Road
Mile End Hospital
London E1 4DG

Telephone  020 7771 5500, email:

CLDS Duty Desk (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm).

London Borough of Tower Hamlets Out of Hours Number: 020 7364 4079.

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