Services at your GP practice
Advocacy and interpreting
The Tower Hamlets Advocacy and Interpreting Service, run by the GP Care Group, is a free and confidential service ensuring everyone in Tower Hamlets can access primary healthcare through the provision of bilingual advocacy, interpreting, translation, and telephone interpreting services.
Accessible via your GP practice, the team consists of trained interpreters that speak 14 languages, including Bengali, Sylheti, Urdu and Somali. The service also offers a new video British Sign Language Interpreting App for our deaf community in Tower Hamlets.
Alcohol and drugs support
The GP Care Group-run P-RESET (primary care drug and alcohol) service works within GP Practices in the borough to deliver drug and alcohol support to patients in Tower Hamlets. The service works in partnership with RESET Treatment and Recovery services.
The service is open to all Tower Hamlets residents who are registered with their GP and have been referred to use the service.
Family Nurse Partnership
Find out about the voluntary home visiting programme, provided by Tower Hamlets GP Care Group, to support new mums and famiies.
Health visiting
Health visitors aim to promote the health and wellbeing of families with children under the age of five.
The service, which is provided by the GP Care Group, works in partnership with families and with other local providers of services for children and families. The team encourages healthy lifestyles, support families with addressing concerns about physical and mental wellbeing, as well as readdressing health inequalities.
Our Tower Hamlets health visitors are registered nurses and or midwives with an additional qualification in Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN).
GP care for the homeless
Health E1 is a specialist health service for people who are homeless in Tower Hamlets. They provide weekday drop-in sessions, with afternoon appointments available.
School health and wellbeing
The Tower Hamlets School Health and Wellbeing Service, run by the GP Care Group, works in partnership with schools in Tower Hamlets to support the younger population’s health needs and medical requirements.
Through a range of screening programmes, health promotion sessions, and regular drop-in sessions, our team of nurses, nursery nurses, and support workers aim to improve the physical, emotional, and mental health of the children, young people, and families within the community.
Patient experience
The GP Care Group Patient Experience Team uses a variety of ways to gather the views of service users and carers who receive support from integrated community services in Tower Hamlets.
The team’s key aims is to use your feedback to help our services better understand what it is like to receive support and gain insight into what works well and can be celebrated in the work we do.
Social prescribers
Find out more about how social prescribers can help your wider social issues such as welfare advice, isolation or housing problems.