Making an appointment
Outside GP hours
Outside of GP hours, if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do, simply call 111 from your phone for quick access to advice and treatment. It’s free, even from a mobile phone.
You can also visit NHS 111 online.
GP Extended Hours Hubs
Residents in Tower Hamlets can get a GP appointment, see a nurse or healthcare assistant outside of normal business hours during the week and at weekends.
The GP Extended Hours Hubs, run by the GP Care Group, can be accessed through Tower Hamlets GP practices who can offer appointments out of normal business hours. The hubs are located at:
- Blithehale Hub - Blithehale Medical Centre
- Strouts Place Hub - Strouts Place Medical Centre
- East One Hub - East One Health Centre
- Harley Grove Hub - Harley Grove Medical Centre
- Gough Walk Hub - Gough Walk Practice
- Health Spot - GP Hub for young people aged 11-19.