Drugs and alcohol support
Drugs and alcohol misuse is when a person regularly uses drugs or alcohol to change their mood, emotion or state of consciousness.
During 2022/2023, there were 1,809 Tower Hamlets residents in effective treatment. However we know there is still a big proportion of residents not accessing treatment. Whether you are looking for advice or concerned about someone you know – there is help available.
In this section you will find all the contact details you need to get expert advice in the community. These services are all free to anyone living in Tower Hamlets.
RESET treatment and recovery support service
Integrated structured drug and alcohol treatment service for adults in Tower Hamlets
RESET Treatment Service (RTS) is the front door service to structured drug and alcohol treatment for residents aged 18 or over.
RTS supports residents, family and friends concerned about someone’s drug and/or alcohol use and provides help for people looking to stabilise or become free from their substance use.
This includes support with:
- long term recovery
- reducing harms associated with their drug and alcohol use, and
- access to residential rehabilitation.
Find us
183 Whitechapel Road, E1 1DN
Monday, Thursday (10am to 8pm), Tuesday and Friday (10am to 5pm), Wednesday (1 to 5pm)
71a Johnson Street, E1 0AQ
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (10am to 5pm), Wednesday (1 to 5pm)
RESET Recovery Support Service (RRSS)
RESET Recovery Support Service (RRSS) offers a wide range of one-to-one and group sessions to support residents and their family members, throughout and beyond treatment for their substance use.
Find us
The Alma, 41 Spelman Street, London, E1 5LQ
Opening times vary and based on group sessions. Contact RESET for more information.
Tel: 020 3889 9510
Email: reset.towerhamlets@cgl.org.uk
Any adult living in Tower Hamlets can make a referral online.
Download RESET's leaflet in English or Bengali.
Safe East (Compass UK)
Integrated Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service
Safe East provides a specialist confidential service for young people aged 10-19 years who are misusing drugs and/or alcohol. All referrals must have the young person’s consent.
Safe East Clinical Hub
59 Mile End Road
Mile End
E1 4TT
Tel: 020 3954 0091
Email: compass.towerhamletsyphws@nhs.net
For more information about the service, opening hours and other venues, visit the Compass UK website.