Get involved with your community
Consultation and engagement with residents and other key stakeholders is at the heart of everything that Tower Hamlets Council and Tower Hamlets Together partners do.
Get involved
There are a number of ways that you can get involved. There are groups available in Tower Hamlets that can help you have your voice heard by collecting feedback and providing a coordinated response on a range of issues.
Healthwatch Tower Hamlets
Feedback on services you receive. This can either be done directly to the service itself or to Healthwatch Tower Hamlets. For more details visit Healthwatch Tower Hamlets.
Let's Talk Tower Hamlets
Help to shape proposals, projects and priorities that can benefit the community by commenting on consultations at Let's Talk Tower Hamlets. For more details visit Let's Talk Tower Hamlets.
Older People's Reference Group (OPRG)
OPRG is operated by Age UK East London as part of the LinkAge Plus service. The Older People’s Reference Group is here to listen to the views of older people (50+) and to tell local health and other services what older people want. For more details visit the Older People's Reference Group.
Tower Hamlets GP Care Group
For more details visit the Patient Experience Team.