Who is a carer?

Older and younger woman communicatingWho is a carer?

Wives, partners, husbands, sons, daughters parents or friends and neighbours can all find themselves caring for someone. They are simply getting on with what needs to be done: they often don't think of themselves as ‘carers’. 

They are all carers.

A carer is anyone who provides regular unpaid care to one or more people who cannot manage without their help. This could be due to

  • age
  • physical or mental illness
  • addiction
  • disability.

Anyone can come into a caring role at any point and can stop at any time.. This maybe because of:

  • changing circumstances
  • the relationship they hold with the cared-for person
  • the level of dependence in that relationship.

The role of a carer 

A carer provides unpaid, emotional and practical support, either directly or from a distance. Carers are the expert in each care situation because of their relationship with, and experience and  understanding of the cared-for person.

Friends and family who care for their loved ones play a crucial role and an immense contribution in our society. Tower Hamlets Council and its partners are committed to supporting carers caring for someone resident in the borough in their caring role, and ensuring they have a life of their own.

Our Commitment to Carers

‘Our Commitment to Carers 2024-2027’ outlines how we will continue to work with and for unpaid carers to provide flexible services, information, advice and activities to help them to carry out their caring role and maintain a good level of health and wellbeing.

The plan has been co-produced with unpaid carers and Tower Hamlets Together partners.

The Proud to Care Rewards Scheme is a member benefit scheme, led  by London ADASS, that will help improve the lives of social care workers and unpaid carers and to say a big thank you for the continued hard work.  

Whether it’s for birthdays, weddings, engagements or everyday shopping, the scheme offers a range of discounts that can be applied to purchases helping to lighten the load.

Unpaid carers can sign up to the scheme for free: Please enter the Scheme ID Number: 7827. 

Find out more about the scheme in this video:

Anyone can become a carer at any age. As many as three in five people are expected to become a carer at some point.

The Carers Centre service supports people who provide regular unpaid care and support to someone living in Tower Hamlets. The centre offers information, advice and guidance on how to access and navigate support for all carers.

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