Advocacy under the Care Act
The Care Act says that people must be involved in decisions about their care and support needs.
If it is decided that you have ‘substantial difficulty’ being involved in decisions about your care, for example, if you do not understand, remember or use information, or cannot communicate your views, Adult Social Care must make sure you get the help you need. If you do not have a family member or friend who is able to help you, you have the right to an independent Care Act advocate.
A Care Act advocate will be able to support you to:
- understand processes (including around safeguarding issues)communicate your wishes, views and feelings
- make decisions
- challenge any decisions that you disagree with
- understand your rights.
If it is decided that you need a Care Act advocate, Adult Social Care will refer you to POhWER, who will be able to provide an advocate.
This service is free, confidential and independent.
Telephone: 0300 456 2370