Access to specialist support
Tower Hamlets Council works very closely with care homes and health and social care partners in the borough.
Each care home has access to a named:
- GP surgery, the GP having weekly contact with the care home
- pharmacist lead
- social work lead
- occupational therapist lead.
Reviewing care needs
For the resident
These multidisciplinary teams, along with other services supporting an individual in the care home, hold monthly meetings to ensure that all resident needs are reviewed, and the manager can raise any issues of concern.
Family members and the resident will also be invited to the meeting to give their views.
Across Tower Hamlets
Council officers also arrange regular meetings with the care home managers and invite specialist agencies to attend to offer support and provide updates on what is happening in the borough. These meetings include a large range of people who have an interest in and are committed to supporting the care homes.
They include:
- consultant geriatricians
- infection control leads
- safeguarding leads, and
- colleagues supporting the NHS.