Unhappy about your care home?

If you have moved into a care home and you are unhappy, you can raise your concerns by:  

Close friends and family can also raise your concerns on your behalf. 

It is important that you report your concerns. If they are not resolved you should continue to raise them.

Your social worker will also visit you approximately six weeks after you have moved in to see how things are going. You can let them know how you are feeling and why.


The council has a legal duty to help keep people safe, this is known as safeguarding, so we encourage you to comment and raise any concerns as we will want to help make things right. 


Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, an independent charity, visits the care homes in the borough.

If you don’t want to make a complaint or are worried that you may be causing a fuss, Healthwatch will be able to support you and feedback your concerns. 

Contact Tower Hamlets Connect if you have any questions.

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