Adult social care: caring for you
What to expect from regulated care services
In Tower Hamlets we require providers operating regulated services - homecare agencies, Shared Lives, care homes, supported living - to work with:
Dignity and respect
You should be treated in a respectful and dignified way.
Person-centred and strength-based
You are at the centre of support and care planning based on your own needs. You are actively encouraged, supported, and enabled to participate in your own care and support and to build your own skills and networks of support.
You must not be given unsafe care or treatment or be put at risk of harm that could be avoided.
Safeguarding from abuse
You must not suffer any form of abuse or improper treatment while receiving care.
Consistent, responsive and joined up
You and any unpaid carer should expect a high quality, reliable, consistent, responsive and joined up experience.
Duty of candour
The provider of your care must be open and transparent with you about your care and treatment. Should something go wrong, they must tell you what has happened, provide support and apologise.
You will be supported in making choices and decisions about your daily life along with providing clear information about options, risks, responsibilities and consequences of your choices.
Participation and communication
You and any unpaid carer have the right to participate fully in all aspects of your lives and in all decisions that affect you.