Life after a stroke
Caring for someone who has had a stroke
There are many ways you can provide support to a friend or relative who's had a stroke.
These include:
- helping them do their physiotherapy exercises
- providing emotional support and reassurance that their condition will improve with time
- helping to motivate them to reach their long-term goals
- adapting to any needs they may have, such as speaking slowly if they have communication problem.
Caring for someone after they've had a stroke can be a frustrating and lonely experience. The advice outlined below may help.
Be prepared for changed behaviour
Someone who's had a stroke can often seem as though they have had a change in personality and appear to act irrationally at times. This is the result of the psychological and cognitive impact of a stroke.
They may become angry or resentful towards you. Upsetting as it may be, try not to take it personally.
It's important to remember they'll often start to return to their old self as their rehabilitation and recovery progresses.
Try to remain patient and positive
Rehabilitation can be a slow and frustrating process, and there will be times when it seems as though little progress has been made.
Encouraging and praising any progress, no matter how small it may appear, can help motivate someone who's had a stroke to achieve their long-term goals.
Make time for yourself
If you're caring for someone who's had a stroke, it's important not to neglect your own physical and psychological wellbeing.
Socialising with friends or pursuing leisure interests will help you cope better with the situation.Support
Here you can link any resources or websites or local support groups.
Useful Links
Home - P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery (
Different Strokes | Stroke Charity Helping Younger Stroke Survivors