Supporting young carers

Supporting young carers

Young Carers Project

Our project provides young carers with a space where they can just be kids again and enjoy their childhood.

The Young Carers Project aims to provide young carers with the opportunity to take a break from the daily responsibilities of being a carer by interacting with others facing similar challenges.

As part of the project, young carers will have access to:

  • weekly respite sessions
  • school holiday activities
  • residential breaks and day trips.

Weekly sessions

Our weekly sessions, which run every Monday and Tuesday at Hailebury Youth Centre, are split into two groups:

  • Monday 4-6pm for 8-12 year olds
  • Tuesday 4-6pm for 13-18 year olds.

These sessions are guided by and planning in consultation with our young people. Activities can range from arts and crafts and  sports competitions to cooking courses, residentials, cinema trips.

Join the project

Speak to one of the Safeguarding Team, your school's Head of Year or any teacher you trust to arrange for any young carer to join our project contact us confidentially, telephone 07985 607 928 or email

Bridging the gap to adulthood

Tower Hamlets Young Adult Carers Worker supports16-25 year olds in the borough to bridge the transition gap between childhood and adulthood. 

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