Sexual health services

Sexual health services in Tower Hamlets are provided through open access ‘one stop shops’ that promote good sexual health and wellbeing.

The majority of sexual health and contraceptive needs can be met at one site, usually by one health professional, in services with extended opening hours and accessible locations.

From prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and control, the services in place aim to reduce HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), provide a choice of contraception and reduce abortions and teenage pregnancy. They also support people who were victims of sexual abuse and rape.

Access to services

You're Welcome

Services which display the 'You're Welcome' logo have met the criteria for providing young people friendly services and helped to improve accessibility.

Services across the borough

To find out more information about sexual health and contraceptive services available from your GP practice or your local pharmacy, please contact them directly.

All East

All East provides free and confidential sexual health services at centres across East London. This includes

  • sexual health screenings, including HIV testing,
  • a full range of contraception, including routine LARC (Long-acting reversible contraception).

Due to Covid-19, All East have very few face-to-face appointments available. Priority is given to people with the most urgent health needs.

If you book an appointment, you will get instructions on how and when to attend. Please do not walk in into any clinics without booking an appointment first.

Telephone: 020 7377 7307, email:


Come Correct condom distribution scheme (C-card)

Young people, aged 25 years old and under, can  register onto this pan-London scheme to obtain free condoms. Visit any of the easy access points (EAPs) displaying the Come Correct logo. There are 65 EAPs in the borough.

Emergency contraception

If you have had unprotected sex or your contraception method has failed, you can obtain emergency contraception, also known as the 'morning after pill', from your pharmacist.


Reversal service for female genital cutting (FGM)

Tower Hamlets Contraception and Sexual Health (TH CASH), Mile End Hospital,
Bancroft Road, E1 4DG. Telephone: 020 7377 7870.


Positive East

Positive East provides support services for anyone affected by HIV who receives HIV treatment or lives in East London. Find out more on their HIV and STI testing webpage.

They can help with:

  • HIV rapid testing services
  • information and advice - benefits, immigration, etc.
  • peer support (individual and groups)
  • counselling
  • ESOL classes
  • health and wellbeing, mindfulness, acupuncture, etc.

Telephone: 020 7791 2855, email:


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication you can take to reduce your risk of HIV infection.  If you are already taking PrEP and would like to continue, or if you would like to start taking PrEP please arrange a PrEP telephone appointment.

STI testing

Sexual health screening (including HIV testing) is provided by All East Sexual Health Services.

Safe East

Safe East is a team of professionals helping young people to take control of their health and make safer, healthier choices. They support to 10 to 19-year-olds who live or study in Tower Hamlets. The scheme is also open to those aged up to 25, if in the care system, who have special educational needs or have a disability.

Safe East provides help with:

  • substance misuse: information, advice and support
  • sexual health: issues around consent and relationships, contraception, C-Card (free condoms), testing and treatment for STIs.

Telephone: 020 3954 0091, email:


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