
A family out walking in the countrysideBenefits of walking

Walking regularly is a simple, accessible way to get some exercise and improve your health. It's free, easy to do and provides many health benefits.

Walking can:

  • help you control your weight
  • reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, stroke and high blood pressure.

It’s also a great way to relieve stress, become more confident in exploring the neighbourhood, and meet new friends.

Walking is the cheapest, most environmentally friendly means of getting around. If you live in Tower Hamlets area, you may be surprised by how easily and quickly you can walk around; in fact it’s often as quick to walk as it is to catch a bus or sit in traffic in your car.

For good health and wellbeing adults should aim for 30 minutes of activity (including walking briskly) on at least five days a week. Children should undertake 60 minutes of activity a day.

How much walking is good for me?

Walking briskly means walking at a pace where you're a little out of breath but can still hold a conversation. Walking at a good pace, most people will cover at least 1.5 miles in 30 minutes.

Everybody is different, but walking a mile will burn off around 100 calories. This depends upon your walking speed, the terrain, your weight, metabolism and a number of other factors.

Find a walking route 

Walk Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets has a programme of health walks. There are currently eight walking groups across the borough, all based at local health or community centres.

These weekly walks typically last about 60-90 minutes, ending back at the centre. Some of the groups also have monthly walks using the DLR to explore further afield.

Clean Air Route Finder

Use the clean air route finder to chose the cleanest route to your destination, by walking or cycling.

Tower Hamlets Council has a walks programme.  Discover more about your local area on a walk

Walk East

Walk East aims to share the pleasures and benefits of walking for discovery, health and wellbeing, and community. The website offers photo-walks, heritage walks and other walk-based projects to local residents and community groups.  

Local history walks

Discover the history of Tower Hamlets through led and self-guided walks:

'Our East End' self-guided walk

'Our East End' is a celebration of all things Tower Hamlets. Published every three months, the magazine is packed full of what's new in the borough, amazing individuals from the local community and important updates for residents.

Each issue of Our East End includes a three-page self-guided walk feature - ‘Walks with Graham Barker’. Download each issue or view online. 

Walking for Health

Walking for Health is a national programme which aims to get people walking more through regular group walks, led by trained volunteer leaders.

Walking is a great way to build physical activity into everyday life, whilst enjoying natural surroundings in a sociable setting.

For further information about the programme and details of other walking groups, visit the Walking for Health website.

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