Adding a service to the community directory - guidance

This guidance is for organisations wishing to promote their service/s on the community directory of the Tower Hamlets Connect website.

In order to add your service to the directory you will need to confirm that you have read, agree and will adhere to the code of conduct and disclaimer. It is recommended that you read these documents before you begin the registration process.

You may also wish to look at existing entries on the directory to see what you think works well. You can use these as examples to help you complete the registration form, particularly the ‘description of service’ field.

The details you provide in your registration form will be included in the published directory listing for your service. Some checks are made prior to publication (eg to ensure web addresses, phone numbers, spelling are correct) but it is your responsibility to ensure that information submitted is accurate.

To list a service

First, navigate to the community directory and click on the grey ‘post your service’ link near the top of the page. This brings up the registration form. Mandatory fields are annotated with a red asterisk.

Some fields have a question mark icon next to them. Hover over these for further information to help you complete the form.

Organisation name – if you are listing multiple services, please ensure you are consistent with the spelling and format of the organisation name you are using.

Description of service – be sure to include information that people searching the community directory would find useful, such as:

  • opening hours,
  • what the service offers,
  • where the service is delivered from,
  • details of eligibility or any outcomes that you are hoping your users can achieve by using your service.

Please note that there is a 500 character limit.

Website – this will be included as a hyperlink on the listing. Make sure it is accurate, and as useful as possible. Please include https:// at the beginning of the website address.

Cost (£) – this is a free-text field so you can include a range (eg £5.50 to £9.50) or text (eg Free, or contact us for more details)

Cost description – this can be used to provide more detail on the price. For example, if you have stated £20 in the cost field, you can specify ‘per session’ in the cost description field.

Healthwatch IDHealthwatch Tower Hamlets have developed widgets as a way for residents to provide feedback about services. If a widget has been generated for your service, you may have been provided a code by Healthwatch Tower Hamlets to use on your website. If you have the code, include it here so that we can include the widget against your service.

Area/age range/user group/service category - The next few questions feature a range of checkboxes. Please only select those that accurately reflect what your service delivers. The answers you provide will be used to filter search results, and help those searching the community directory to find what they are looking for.

Only the 'support for' answers will be displayed on the listing page as tags. A maximum of five will be displayed, so please be particularly careful when selecting answers from this category.

Please select which option best describes the service provided by your organisation -  There are three options here, related to the service (rather than your organisation as a whole). Be sure to select the correct option as this determines the level of checks that are undertaken before your service can be listed.

  • A commissioned service – your request will be sent to staff at Tower Hamlets Council who will check that the service is commissioned by the council or NEL CCG, and is for Tower Hamlets residents, before your listing can be published. You will be asked to provide details of an officer who can be contacted to verify your commissioned status.

  • A CQC regulated service or day centre – you will be taken to a page where you will are able to upload the following documents:
    • A copy of your insurance certificate/s for public liability, and employers liability (if applicable)
    • A copy of your handbook or service user guide
    • A completed anonymised support plan
    • Business continuity plan
    • Safeguarding policy
    • Evidence of safeguarding training delivered to staff
    • Any other documents you think may be relevant

your request will be sent to staff at Tower Hamlets Council who will undertake checks of the documents and with CQC if required, before your listing can be published.

  • None of the above – your request will be sent to the website developers - PPL – who will undertake certain checks before your listing can be published.

The registration process is managed by Tower Hamlets Council and NOT the Tower Hamlets Connect service. If you have any questions related to the registrations process please use the form at the link below:

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