Community Equipment Provider NRS Healthcare – important update

We have been alerted to a cyber security attack on NRS Healthcare, a third-party organisation who provide health and care equipment for residents in Tower Hamlets and other local authorities across the UK.

NRS provide equipment such as hospital beds, hoists and grab rails that support independent living and are used by Tower Hamlets Council, Barts Health NHS Trust and East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) in the borough.

We do not currently know the extent of the security breach or if any personal data has been obtained. We are working alongside our partners to liaise with NRS about the cyber attack, and our data protection teams will be closely monitoring the situation to establish what data, if any, is leaked.

The safety and security of our residents is our top priority and if we are made aware of any identifiable data being published, we will work closely with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to take any steps we can to support service users.

As a safeguarding measure, we would encourage service users to be extra vigilant with any phone calls, emails or visits from people they do not know, who may be attempting to scam personal details. Any official contacts will always be happy to provide identification when asked.

Anyone who is concerned or would like further information, either for themselves or for a family member or friend, can contact Tower Hamlets Connect by calling 0300 303 6070 or by emailing

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