Mental health services
Emergency mental health services in Tower Hamlets
Emergency Mental Health Crisis Line
A free 24-hour crisis line for anyone who feels their mental health has deteriorated, and they are fearful for their own, or other people's, safety. Trained staff provide support and refer callers to appropriate specialist services. Contact: NHS 111, 'Option 2' in East London.
Other emergency mental health crisis services include specialist support for people under 18 and the mental health crisis café.
Tower Hamlets Home Treatment Team
Tower Hamlets Home Treatment Team operates seven days a week and is carrying out some face to face contacts e.g. to supervise/administer medications and for risk and safeguarding concerns.
Mental health services across Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies
Talking therapies assist people experiencing a range of mental health conditions that are stopping them from enjoying an active and fulfilling life.
Visit their website for information about:
- the service
- types of difficulties they help with, and
- to access the service.
Tower Hamlets Psychological Therapies Service
Tower Hamlets Psychological Therapies Service works with adults aged 18 and over who have long-standing, complex mental health needs.
To discuss how to access this service, contact your GP or current mental health specialist.
Tower Hamlets Centre for Mental Health
A wide range of services for people experiencing severe symptoms of mental illness, such as when someone requires inpatient support and care for mental health problems or a mental health crisis in a hospital setting. The unit aims to provide short and focused admissions in a 24-hour, seven day a week supportive and safe environment.
Contact: 020 8121 5001.
Tower Hamlets Early Detection Service (THEDS)
A small team comprised of mental health nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists who support young people aged 16-25 who have experienced symptoms of mental illness to get their lives back on track.
Contact: 020 3487 1320 or
Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham
A community mental health charity offering advice and support to individuals with mental health or emotional support needs. Their services include Advocacy, Navigation, Floating Support, therapeutic groups and activities, welfare benefits and housing support advice, as well as employment advice. Contact: 02075101081 or
Safe Connections Community Hub
If you live or you are a professional working in the North East London Boroughs and are concerned about yourself, have been recently bereaved by suicide or need to access training you can access Mind’s Safe Connections Community Hub for support.
Contact: 0300 561 0115 (Monday-Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm).
Tower Hamlets Autism Service
A diagnostic and brief intervention service for adults living in Tower Hamlets. It provides assessments and diagnoses of autism spectrum conditions. The service welcomes self-referrals. Telephone 020 7655 4000 or
Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care
Do you have a mental or physical health condition and struggle to find or retain work? The IPSPC team at Tower Hamlets can help you with this.