Riser/Recliner Chair

Benefits of the Product

A Riser Recliner chair will help you get from sitting to standing.

They have a function that lifts and tips the whole chair up, helping you ease up to your feet gently.

For the rise function to be suitable, you will need to be able to put all your weight through your legs and stand or walk independently or with a walking frame. If you can do this, but find you need someone to physically help you up out of a chair, a Riser Recliner chair may be a good option.

Things to Consider

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure this equipment is secure.

Advice when measuring for simple seating solutions can be found here.

Weight restrictions apply.

There are different levels of pressure relief available in chairs, ranging from “low”/ foam, “medium”/ gel, or “high”/air.

If considering buying a chair, it is advisable to seek advice from your GP or district nurse around pressure relief.

If the chair is electric, are you able to use the controls safely and independently, and is there someone on hand to help if not.

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