Hospitals in Tower Hamlets

The Royal London Hospital

The Royal London Hospital is a leading, internationally renowned teaching hospital based in Whitechapel. It offers a full range of local and specialist services, which includes one of the largest children's hospitals in the UK.

The Royal London is also one of the capital's leading trauma and emergency care centres and home to London’s Air Ambulance.

It also hosts the Royal London Dental Hospital - a leading specialist hospital for first-class dental and oral health care.

Mile End Hospital

Mile End Hospital is a shared facility for a range of rehabilitation, mental health, community services and specialist diagnostics including the Mile End Early Diagnosis Centre.

Tower Hamlets Centre for Mental Health

The Tower Hamlets Centre for Mental Health is located at the Mile End Hospital . It provides a wide range of services for people who require inpatient support and care for mental health problems or a mental health crisis. The unit aims to provide short and focused admissions in a 24 hour, seven day a week supportive and safe environment.

Mile End Early Diagnosis Centre

The Mile End Early Diagnosis Centre has been designed with input from patients for cancer diagnosis. Set away from any urgent hospital activities with its own dedicated entrance and reception area, the Centre provides a warm welcome in a relaxing setting, giving local residents access to vital health tests, after their referral by a medical expert. 

Family and friends are encouraged to stay in contact with patients but please be aware that measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 may mean that visiting arrangements change. Please phone the centre to find out more.

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