Travel assistance

Tower Hamlets Council provides travel assistance for young people and adults who live in Tower Hamlets and are attending sixth form/colleges or day centres where there is no suitable alternative available.

Before making an application for travel assistance, please ensure that your travel needs cannot be met by the provisions offered by Transport for London (TfL), which operates a scheme of free and/or discounted travel for young people or disabled people

Who is eligible?

Young people can apply for travel assistance if they: 

  • are aged 16-18 or a 'continuing learner' who started their course before their 19th birthday
  • live over three miles from the learning or training provider (school, college, or establishment) funded directly by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) to be attended
  • do not receive a 16-19 bursary or
  • receive a 16-19 bursary, but are taking a specialist course* and have to pay fares of £10 or more per week to attend it, or
  • their parents taxable income was £30,810 or less in the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.

A specialist course is one that ends with a nationally recognised vocational qualification and cannot be taken locally. It does not include GCSE, AS, A2 or A level courses.

SEN students

In line with government guidance, more favourable conditions apply to students with special educational need (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan. 

These young people and their parents are advised to contact the SEN team for further advice before completing a travel assistance application form.

Students in further education (16-18 year olds)

The council also provides travel assistance to enable young people (aged 16-18) in further education to access and attend the education and training of their choice. 

How do I apply?

You must:

  • be resident in Tower Hamlets to apply for travel assistance and be able to provide us with proof of your address i.e. recent Council Tax bill
  • be registered at the 'qualifying school', learning or training provider and provide proof of registration if necessary

Please provide all the necessary supporting information with your application in order to help us process your application as soon as possible.

Any delay or failure to provide this information will affect the outcome of your application. Read the council’s travel assistance policy

Please refer to the application form and guidance notes for further details.

If your application has been approved, you will be given a Personal Transport Budget (PTB) to manage and arrange your transport journeys back and forth from your destination. , if this works out to be better value for the council.

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